Olufayo omolayo

Olufayo omolayo

Feat leadership Club has been a turning point in my journey as a student, a child of God and an entrepreneur. I have never thought of certain questions in my life till I joined FEATLC, questions like “where do you see yourself in the next ten years?” It occurred to me that I wasn’t so deliberate about my future.
Feat leadership Club constructed an mindset of excellence, giving 100% in all facets of life. The visioner of this club also encouraged my entrepreneurship prowess by patronizing my skills. In academics as well, we were taught never to settle for mediocrity. Certain nuggets from FEATLC teachings are: you are your own competition, strive to be a better version of your yesterday, the 30minutes magic, believer’s authority, discovering your purpose (in a series titled made for him) etc. The monthly prayer and fasting sharpens sensitivity & plans. The transformation has been massive because i no longer compare myself with the status quo, I strife for more! More than my peers and more than my imagination.
Through consistent teachers, certain bible passages have been meditated on, to an extent that they birth revelations. For example proverbs 4:18, Jer 1:5 etc.
These scriptures have been given an in-depth analysis by the teachers in FEATLC.
The visioners constantly remind us that we are leaders wherever we find ourselves.
An icing on the cake, is the reading culture in FEATLC. We are often given books to study and write reviews on. These books are books that sharpen one’s destiny.
Not only do they instill discipline in us by the submission of reviews, they also infringe the message conveyed in each book into our hearts.
I must say, it is a wonderful thing to have people you are accountable to, especially people who have gone ahead of you in spiritual journeys. They have taken it upon themselves to create a group of people who will stand the test of times and seasons. In a generation where people are settling for less, FEATLC made me strife for the best.
Previous Adeyemi oluwayemi adefunbi

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